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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Years Resolutions

My New Years Resolutions are:

1. Read at least 3 scriptures a day.
2. Work out at the gym 3 days or more a week.
3. Eat more vegetables.

I am not a dieter at all, in fact, I run from diets. My goal is just to have my hunger be satiated and to enjoy what I eat. I do eat healthy and I'm not a fan of a ton of butter, or food dripping in grease, (unless it is deep dish pizza, or Maddox french fries, yum!)

But I do not like to restrict myself when it comes to food because I LOVE food. I'm always thinking about what to make next so I can eat it. and share it with everyone. Life is too short in my opinion to always be watching what I eat. Counting calories drives me batty!

Instead, my theory is that if I exercise daily (20 minutes weights, at least 30 minutes of cardio) eat healthy (don't use a ton of cheese or butter and eat lots of fruits and veggies) and do overdo it on treats, then I will be happy with my body.

The frustrating part is that every time I get down to my dream weight and body size, I get pregnant again. ;) It is worth it, but keeps me working, that is for sure. Here is a picture of me at my dream weight, just before I found out I was pregnant.

I just had my 4th baby (Sierra Roxy Stanger) so lately I've been extremely hungry and painfully thirsty all the time. I need constant nourishment, but I don't have a lot of time or energy to make 6 or more meals a day.

My sister Dixie has been doing a very popular diet called Kristi Approved and she and her husband have both lost a ton of weight. For the first time I think this diet is good one. It is a life style change and it promotes nutritious eating and exercise. I will not be signing up to do Kristi's diet, because I really hate to be told what to eat or how to work out, but I do like her snack ideas.

My cupboards are now stocked with these items for snacking and I've been very satisfied the past few weeks, whereas before the hunger wouldn't go away.

64 oz of water a day or more
Light Yo-plait yogurt (3 large tubs)
1 (16 oz) container cottage cheese (this is power food when mixed with yogurt.)
5 dozen eggs (to scramble or cook however you like)
String cheese
Kashi crackers (these are a lot better for you then regular crackers) I love the cheese crackers, but hate the roasted garlic crackers by Kashi)

Doctors CarbRite Diet bars (sugar free, no hydrogenated oils, no artificial sweetners) I ordered a big box of the S'mores bars...not my favorite because I like texture in my food and it tastes like a marshmallow covered in unsweetened chocolate. They would taste better if you set it on a graham cracker, but I don't buy those because I don't want hydrogenated oils in my body if I can help it. ;) I'm going to try the coconut or cinnamon next. I do like these bars better then granola bars because they are not as sweet and I am full for hours after I have one.

I ordered them from this site: They are probably cheaper to buy if you live by a health food store. I paid $28.10 plus $3.50 shipping for 24 bars. Pricey, but I'm not snacking as much on other goodies, bread, or anything else I use to grab from the cupboards.

The final thing I love from Kristi Approved snack ideas is her recommendation for this protein powder. :

CYTOSPORT Complete Whey Protein Cocoa Bean 5 lbs
Quantity = 1 @ $40.95

I have been using a Costco Chocolate protein powder for a quick snack when
I'm hungry and I don't want to make anything for over a year now and it is
just nasty compared to this Cytosport protein powder. This Cytosport powder also
mixes a lot better (I have no lumps in my shake now)
With the new Cytosport powder, I mix together two full scoops of powder with 1/2 cup
of ice, 1/2 cup of water and 2/3 cup of 2 % milk all in a Magic bullet mixer and
it tastes like a frosty from Wendy's to me. I am also satisfied for hours
and I don't crave all the goodies I normally do when I am eating more protein
every day.
Anyway, I have been feeling great (satisfied for hours) and am losing the baby weight quickly with these power protein snacks, healthy meals that we make pretty (much anything we eat is in my book) and working out. I teach Zumba twice a week and I've been attending a weight training class, Piyo and a Turbokick once in a while. Hopefully I will be able to get back in my jeans in no time. Please share your nutrition tricks with me if you know of anything else that helps you stay full, is healthy and tastes good.