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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trying to lose weight this year?

I mentioned in a previous post (New Years Resolutions) that I love the snack ideas the Kristi Approved Live the Life program mentions. I ordered 2 boxes of Carbrite protien bars from and I really like them. When ever I get my late night chocolate brownie cravings, or need something on the run, this protien bar does the trick where cookies and chocolate leave me wanting more. These bars are sugar free, but taste yummy and help me stay full for a very long time. I first ordered the S'mores, and they tasted like a chocolate covered marshmallow with a bit of a bitter after taste. They still were better then a Quakers Granola bar that I use to eat on the go. They are just too sweet for me. I ran out of the S'mores bars a week ago and I have really missed them.

My favorites hands down are the chocolate mint brownie and the toated coconut. s I LOVE the toasted coconut bars they remind me of Mounds bars, and have chunks of chocolate in them. They are so good and filling. I also like that there is a flat $5 shipping charge for everything you order. Finally, I am eating what I want (I normally eat pretty healthy, but tonight we ordered Domino's deep dish pizza and I loved every bite.) I am full all the time and the weight is continuing to melt off. I am teaching Zumba twice a week and lifting weights at least one day a week. You can see my previous post "New Years Resolutions" for more great snack ideas or go to Kristi Approved to see how to melt off the unwanted fat. Finally a program that actually works, for life!

My parents are both marathon runners and they run 6-7 miles every morning for over 10 years. They started Live the Life a few months ago and finally the unwanted extra weight is coming off! I believe it is because of the nutrition portion of the Live the Life program is fantastic. Except you have to eat the same thing every day for a week for 18 weeks. That is why I have not joined the program. I love variety in my meal plan. In this program you get a recipe book for 18 weeks worth of meals. My brother-in law has also done the 18 weeks plan and lost 25 lbs and my sister has finally lost her unwanted weight (and she was at the gym for years before starting this program working out for 1-2 hrs daily with no results.) She is now toned and trim as can be. If losing weight and getting toned is your goal, I know this program works, in 18 weeks and it is healthy. No shots, no drugs, just eating right and daily exercise.