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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chimichangas are a family favorite.

Chimichangas are one of our very favorite freezer meals. They are considered a freezer meal because every thing is stored in the freezer (pre-cooked shredded beef, flour tortillas, shredded cheese) and then you simply defrost, assemble and fry. I like to serve my chimi's on top of a bed of lettuce topped with salsa and sour cream. They are delicious!

To prep for the Chimi's all you need is to buy a 3-4 lb beef or pork roast, (whatever is on sale) trim the fat and place it in your crockpot with 4 cups of water on low overnight. I also like to pour a few tablespoons of soy sauce and red wine vinegar on the meat to tenderize it and add flavor while it cooks. In the morning you simply shred it with two forks. Do not drain the liquid, it will help marinade the meat while it is in the freezer. I also like to add 2 Tablespoons or more of cumin and 2 tablespoons or more of brown sugar, salt and pepper until the meat tastes full of flavor.

Bag up the meat in sandwich sized plastic baggies with a little liquid from the crockpot and freeze flat.

When you decide it is Chimichanga night, pull out one of the baggies of shredded beef, some frozen tortillas (I buy a big bag of 30 flour tortillas and keep it in my freezer), shredded cheese and toothpicks to assemble.

Defrost the meat in the microwave until warm. Place desired amount of meat in each flour tortilla, then sprinkle with cheese. Tuck sides of tortilla in first, then roll up and seal the seam with a toothpick.

Heat 1-2 cups canola or vegetable oil in a hot skillet on medium-high heat. When oil is hot, place 3 or 4 rolled tortillas in hot oil, seam side down. Turn tortillas when golden brown on bottom. Brown the other side of the Chimichangas and then place on a paper towel.

To serve: Pull out toothpicks and place chimichangas on a bed of lettuce and top with salsa and sour cream. Serve warm. Freeze leftover chimichangas. Bake frozen at 425°F for 11 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown and heated through.